In the Grip of Grace:
Your Father Always Caught You. He Still Does

Author: Lucado, Max
Publisher: 1996, Thomas Gale & Walker Large Print
ISBN: 1-59415-158-3
Our Price: $19.99 order now!

Over one million copies in print!

Life is fraught with opportunities to make mistakes, to feel guilty. The pressure to be self-sufficient is high, but it isn't the life God offers. The way of the world will direct you to try harder. But the way of the cross will point toward the place where you stop striving, stop pushing - so that you can fall into the boundless, liberating grace of God. Imagine being love-driven instead of self-propelled, exchanging your fears for the peace that passes understanding. If you can imagine enjoying God instead of trying to repay Him, then you can imagine landing in His grace.

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