The Process of Purity
Living Our Lives as a Reasonable Act of Worship

Author: Hill, Peter
Publisher: 2008, CPM Publications
ISBN: 1-897373-54-6 (printed) & 1-897373-56-2 (eBook)
Our Price: $17.99 (printed) or $7.99 (eBook) order now!

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Table of Contents:

Click on the links below to read an exerpt from the book.

Part 1: A Starting Ground
1. Our Reasonable Act of Worship
2. Looking in the Mirror (read excerpt!)
3. Sincerity of Approach
4. Understanding Devotion (read excerpt!)

Part 2: A Battle Ground
5. A Confusing Situation
6. Living Sacrifice (read excerpt!)
7. Captive Thoughts
8. Exterior Battle Lines
9. The Battle Continues

Part 3: Standing on Firm Ground
10. Heart Transplant (read excerpt!)
11. Ponderings for the Passage
12. Are We There Yet?

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