Worship Walk
Where Worship and Life Intersect

Author: Goossen, Gareth J
Publisher: 2004, makeusholy publishing
ISBN: 0-9736900-0-3
Our Price: $21.49 order now!

Gareth Goossen is a minister and the executive director of Make us Holy Ministries (MUH). MUH is a worship based resource ministry in Breslau, ON. Their heart's desire is to see worship teams and leaders raised up and standing together across the nation and around the world.

Worship Walk is Gareth's debut book, published under MUH. In Part 1, he establishes a working definition for worship - how it is more than simply the songs we sing on a Sunday morning. Then, in Part 2, Gareth looks at each aspect of life and living and how worship needs to be an integral part of each of these life areas. Finally, in Part 3, Gareth provides a brief summary of what it means to live our lives as true worshippers.

More info on the book can be found at MUH's website, including reviews and recommendations by Brian Doerksen, Kevin Boese, and Dr. Peter H Davis.
Chapter 8 and Chapter 14 are also available for full download.

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